
How to choose the color of the groom's suit - signs and recommendations. Wedding suit for the groom Dark gray suit for a wedding

The groom's suit requires no less responsible approach than. High demands are placed on it: the suit must be of high quality, beautiful, emphasize the groom’s figure and match the bride’s dress. The ideal option would be a tailor-made suit. However, you can buy it in a specialized store and hem it a little if necessary.

How to choose a suit for the groom: common options

How to choose a groom's suit to match the bride's dress: recommendations

When men hear that the groom's suit and the bride's dress should match, they imagine identical outfits of the same color, style, or the classic “bride in white, groom in black.” However, for the harmony of outfits, you can choose completely different options.

Usually, the bride chooses her dress first, and then the groom buys a suit. This is by design for a reason. Girls are fickle natures; they can dream of a fluffy dress, and then go to the store and buy a tight retro dress. Therefore, it is easier for the groom to then select the details in accordance with the bride’s dress.

Of course, the bride should be the most beautiful, but you still need to take into account the groom’s taste, because it is for him that the future wife most often tries. If the groom doesn't like fluffy dresses that look like meringue pie, find a compromise and buy something simpler. Then the groom’s taste in his suit will most likely coincide with the chosen dress.

Almost any color of the suit can be combined with a white dress: black, gray, blue, etc. Just remember that it is not advisable to combine an absolutely white bride’s dress with cream colors of the suit. Then the dress will look dazzling white, and the suit will look yellow.

Accessories can also match: the color of the bride’s belt and the groom’s tie, the color of the groom’s pocket square, even the pattern and color of the lace on the dress can be combined with any detail of the suit. The groom's boutonniere should also be in harmony with the bride's bouquet and the flowers in her hair.

With themed weddings, everything is clear: costumes must be from the same era, the same fairy tale or the same novel.

The style of the newlyweds' outfits should not vary greatly. So, for example, the groom cannot wear a formal tailcoat if the bride has chosen a short, simple white dress. Or you shouldn’t wear a simple shirt and trousers if the bride is wearing lush lace and a crown on her head.

What color suit should the groom have: possible options

  • Black or grey. The classic color will suit any situation and almost any bride's outfit. In the summer, grooms often prefer lighter shades, but this is not the only option. Light gray or steel color will look good in the hot season.

  • Multi-colored option. Stylish grooms will love to stand out on their wedding day by wearing a different colored jacket and trousers. The main thing is that the colors, fabrics and textures are combined with each other. For example, a white jacket and red trousers, a blue jacket and gray trousers, a black jacket and white trousers will look beautiful.

What color should the groom's suit be: signs

Among popular traditions there are a lot of recommendations on what color the groom’s suit should or should not be. However, to believe it or not is up to the newlyweds themselves. It is worth remembering that there are no clear rules on how to choose a wedding suit for the groom. Almost every color has its connoisseurs and critics.

The classic black color of a suit is in no way associated with mourning. Rather, on the contrary, black color is a marriage for love. But the white color of the suit promises the groom the life of a henpecked man, which will bring him a lot of suffering. After all, only the bride should wear white.

Blue is the color of frivolity and infidelity. It is believed that a groom wearing blue will cheat on his wife. Green color promises young people ridicule from friends and relatives about their marriage and relationships.

Gray color does not bode well. However, it is believed that gray is the color of haste, which does not at all promise a bad and quick end.

The signs about the red suit are absolutely creepy. According to popular belief, a groom dressed in the color of blood will not live long.

A blue suit signifies family quarrels over financial issues. Brown color is characteristic of stern men, which means that life for the wife will not be sweet.

How to choose a men's wedding suit for the groom: common mistakes

– the matter is not as simple as it seems at first glance. What mistakes can you make?

  • Groom's height not taken into account. A tall man is the dream of many women, but dressing such a groom is not easy. A tall groom needs to have his suit sewn to order and not skimp on the seamstress, otherwise, with the usual proportions of the trousers, he will look as if he wore his older brother’s clothes and has already outgrown them a little. At the same time, there should be no vertical lines on the fabric, and it is better to abandon the tie altogether in favor of a bow tie. But for short men, it is better to choose fitted and tight suits in light colors with vertical stripes.
  • White suit in winter. In winter, it is not recommended for men to wear light-colored suits; this is a sign of bad taste. If you really want to get married in white, choose a warmer day and better in spring or summer. This, of course, does not apply to the bride. She has the right to wear white at any time of the year and in any weather.
  • The suit doesn't fit. Don’t buy a suit if it looks like it came from somebody else’s shoulder. When choosing a wedding suit, you should not skimp. Sometimes men who do not have the knowledge of how to choose the right suit for the groom think that there is nothing wrong with the fact that the jacket is a little too big (you can gain weight) or that the trousers are a little long. But from the outside it looks cheap, like an outfit bought “for growth.” Here the bride should intervene and prevent such a mistake.
  • The sleeves are too long. In no movie about special agents will you see a man in a jacket with sleeves down to the middle of his fingers. It looks ridiculous and immediately catches your eye. Even if the suit fits amazingly at the shoulders and waist, there should not be any long sleeves. The sleeve should slightly cover the bone on the wrist - this is the ideal length. The sleeve length of a jacket and a coat are not the same thing. A coat's sleeves may be longer.
  • Checkered or striped tie. Even the most elegant tie with stripes and checks is a work tie. It is not for special occasions. In wedding salons there is a large selection of elegant ties; you can choose any one, asking for help from a sales consultant if necessary.
  • Rhinestones and sparkles on the suit. This applies to bright and eccentric grooms. Concert costumes are inappropriate. A handsome man is a man in a strict expensive suit, but not in sequins. This option is possible in some cases of themed weddings, but even here it is important not to overdo it.
  • Short socks. Not everyone even refers to this detail as a costume. But in such an important event as a wedding, there are no trifles. Someone (and most likely many) will definitely notice that you have low socks that show your leg. This fact can nullify all efforts to dress stylishly. The correct sock length is mid-calf. They should not fall off and differ in color from trousers or shoes.
  • Pocket square and tie made of the same fabric. Yes, all men's salons sell such sets, but this does not mean that it is correct. According to experts, a tie and a pocket square should have common details: shades, patterns, but not be made of the same fabric.

Not only the bride wants to be perfect on such an important day as a wedding. The groom should not lag behind his beloved. Be on trend and look impeccably masculine and elegant. To do this, he should choose a suitable wedding suit for the groom.

One of the main conditions that you need to adhere to when buying a wedding suit is its harmonious combination with the bride’s dress. After all, throughout the entire celebration, this couple will not be separated for a minute. And it will be captured in many photographs.

By choosing a classic men's suit for a wedding, you can never go wrong. And now the three-piece suit has returned to fashion. The combination of trousers, jacket and vest makes a man elegant and will harmonize with any bride's dress.

For a wedding in a classic style, the groom can dress up more impressively. When else, if not at your own wedding, will there be a reason to wear a tuxedo or tailcoat?

Capricious fashion also has its influence on men's wedding suits. Nowadays slim-fit suits are in fashion. They emphasize a masculine figure and athletic physique, while leaving freedom of movement.

A groom's suit for a wedding does not have to be black. All shades of blue and lilac are trending. Also in fashion is a suit that combines several colors, for example, trousers and a jacket of different colors. Or a suit with contrasting trim.

The choice of suits for a wedding in Moscow is quite wide. And on this important day, a man will pay no less importance to his appearance than a girl. It is also difficult for the groom to make the right choice. Therefore, we advise you to take a closer look at the assortment before purchasing.

What do we offer?

The wedding marketplace site has collected trendy suits for the groom from salons in Moscow and the Moscow region in one place. A man can make his choice online, find out about the availability of the product, his size, and only then go shopping.

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Men's wedding suits in 2017 are distinguished by their commendable variety. The main fashion trends of last year remained unchanged. So, original color schemes are still in fashion, but designers have not ignored classic silhouettes; There was also room for outrageous models.

We carefully studied the latest collections of men's wedding fashion trendsetters, such as Ermengildo Zegna, Giorgio Armani, Dolce&Gabbana, Valentino, Bally, Paul Smith, Todd Snyder, Ralph Lauren, Brioni, Joseph Abboud, Dior Homme, Lemaire, and here are the main trends of the 2017 season.

London dandy style and classics of the genre

Paying tribute to the fashion for retro style, designers have returned to the classic styles of wedding suits for the groom. Three-piece suits, tuxedos and tails, as well as double-breasted jackets, are favorites this season. This is a win-win option for weddings in a classic style.

However, designers suggest diluting the strict look and adding colored lapels to the suit, as well as combining two types of fabric: smooth and textured.

As before, classic single-breasted groom's suits remain unrivaled. One of the main novelties of the season in this segment is the use of “heavy” textured fabrics (velvet, corduroy, tweed). Such costumes are suitable for weddings in the cold season and themed weddings, for example, in a rustic style.

Delicious wine shades

Increasingly, designers are inviting grooms to change classic black and white or dark blue combinations to deep “wine” colors, and for more daring ones to wear wedding suits in bright colors.

The grooms liked jackets and suits in Marsala color, which was a feature of the last wedding season, so much that this color remained in favor in the new year.

The trendy shade of the groom's suit in 2017 can be called “bottle glass” and its variations. Purple and olive colors will also be popular.

Contrasting fashionable inserts and combinations

Jackets with colored inserts and lapels have become fashionable; with their help you can hide flaws or highlight the advantages of your figure.

Experiments with color combinations are encouraged. For example, black trousers go perfectly with a blue, light yellow or berry jacket. White - with coffee, blue, brown, olive.

3D effect and textured prints

Original prints and textures are back in fashion. A jacket or suit with an ombre effect looks interesting. The most chic thing is a textured jacket!

More classic variations will be geometric patterns (checks, stripes on dark fabrics, etc.), and floral themes.

One of the shocking innovations is costumes with a 3D effect - textured patterns and ornaments. The most extreme option is a catchy floral print.

About the shoes! Instead of classic shoes, you can easily afford to choose loafers or moccasins.

Bright and elegant vests

Another main trend this year is undoubtedly bright vests.

For classic models of a men's wedding suit, you should choose a shortened vest - maximum up to the belt line. But you definitely need to play it up: a catchy tie, a watch on a chain, an interesting shirt! At the same time, the suit itself can be plain, but the vest should be of a different color or from a different fabric.

New for the season - loose-fitting trousers

One can only envy the variety of trouser styles in 2017: riding breeches, tapered, straight, with arrows. The highlight of the new collection are loose-fitting suits a la sack. Of course, not every groom will decide on such an image, but if the wedding theme is suitable and you are not afraid of experiments, then this is an ideal option.

Let us recall the basic rules for choosing a classic wedding suit for the groom.

  • The groom's suit should be in harmony with the bride's dress and match the theme of the wedding.
  • The length of the trousers should be to the center of the heel at the back, and form a small fold in the front
  • Shoes should match the color of the suit. The exception is black shoes; they will be appropriate with any shades except the lightest ones.
  • Belt and shoes should match the color
  • The length of the jacket sleeves is 2.5 cm shorter than the shirt cuffs
  • The tie should be slightly lighter than the suit, but darker than the shirt.
  • Socks: wear black ones under black shoes, and light ones to match under light ones.
  • The boutonniere should be part or a miniature copy of the bride's bouquet.

Modern fashion requires brightness and strives to highlight the individuality of each image. And here various stylish things come to the rescue: embroidered scarves, shirts with appliques, ties with unusual prints.

So, you have a huge choice and if you want to look like a London dandy at your wedding or strive for maximum comfort, there is an excellent solution in the 2017 collections of men's wedding suits.

Suits for weddings in dark colors are quite boring and today many guys who are getting married often prefer clothes in bright colors. For several years now, blue has enjoyed unprecedented popularity.

The undeniable advantage of such clothes is that they suit guys of any age category and type of appearance.

The secret lies in the variety of blue tones, which have separate names: azure, cornflower blue, indigo, of course, sapphire and many others.

However, do not forget that blue is a rather insidious color and can both refresh the groom and make his image gloomy. Therefore, it is important to choose a blue palette based on the color type of a specific appearance.

Main color types

Depending on the prevailing tones in the appearance, there are four main types of male appearance:

So the winter type, whose distinctive feature is considered to be the maximum contrast of dark color, hair with light skin.

For a guy of this color type, catchy and cool tones of blue (azure and sapphire) are optimal. Light blue is absolutely not suitable for guys like this.

As for the summer type, it is distinguished in appearance by unobtrusive shades, that is, light skin, hair, and eyes.

In summer, it is preferable for a newlywed to choose calm tones of a blue suit for a wedding - turquoise, heavenly, forget-me-not.

The guy's fall type of appearance captivates him with his dark skin, red, brown hair, and warm-colored eyes.

Guys of this color type have the most difficulty making the right choice of blue. They will look best in a suit of a gray-blue tone, a blue-Persian shade.

As for the spring color type, it is dominated by warm shades, less flashy in comparison with the summer type of appearance. Hair, skin, and eyes of light colors, freckles.

For guys with a spring appearance, light colors (cornflower blue, blue) are suitable; a photo of a blue suit for a groom of a similar color type can be viewed on the resource.

Deciding on the appropriate tone of blue for a suit will only be possible during the process of trying on the clothes.

It is important not to forget that each shade of this color may become slightly darker in artificial or evening light.


If we talk about the quality of the material for the groom’s blue suit for a wedding, then it is advisable to pay attention to wrinkle-resistant options so that the clothes look great throughout the day.

In addition, it is good that a matte material is used when creating a costume, since shiny threads, as a rule, glare, and therefore can spoil the photo.

A checkered or herringbone pattern on the material will decorate a blue suit for the groom. In addition, there is no material that is not created in various shades of blue.

It is especially important to emphasize that the tone of blue makes it possible to use such a unique material as velvet in a suit.

This expensive fabric looks original exclusively in blue. After all, only blue velvet gives the groom an impressive look and emphasizes his ideal taste.


A successful image of a newlywed does not consist solely of a suit. So, it is important to purchase suitable accessories for it, because without them the image of the groom in a blue suit will not be complete.

Such important touches include ties, various shirts, as well as vests and, of course, shoes.

So, for blue clothes, depending on the tone of blue, only black and brown shoes are suitable. Just not snow-white or creamy! At the same time, the trouser belt must be in harmony in texture and shade with the shoes.

As for the shade of the shirt, as well as the vest, it should contrast with the tone of the suit. Mostly with blue clothes for weddings, shirts in steel or snow-white colors are combined.

Vests should be darker in comparison with the shirt, or be chosen to match the suit. You can often find a dark blue groom's suit with a snow-white shirt and a black vest.

If we talk about a tie that is in perfect harmony with the newlywed’s suit, then it should match or contrast with the tone of the clothing. The first is considered a rather difficult task, for this reason ties or bow ties are often chosen in contrasting shades.

When choosing neck decor, do not forget about the harmony of combining shades. For example, bright red colors are absolutely not suitable options for the blue palette.

Modern designers in the field of wedding fashion do not ignore shades of blue.

Glossy fashion magazines, various resources of specialized stores, as well as various sewing studios offer blue wedding suits of any style and, of course, tone, capable of fully satisfying the tastes of even the most demanding grooms.

Photo of the groom's blue suit

Wedding images of the bride and groom are the two main figures of the upcoming celebration. They should match the festive atmosphere.

The main thing in the image of the groom is stylishness, which will make him memorable.

At a wedding, the bride is always the center of attention of the guests. She attracts the attention of others, her outfit, hairstyle, and accessories are discussed throughout the celebration.

Often the groom fades into the background. His suit is in harmony with the wedding dress, and he himself finds himself in the shadow of his chosen one.

This is unfair, because the ceremony is intended for the couple.

In order not to remain at your holiday just a shadow of a beautiful bride, the groom’s wedding image must be presented as original. It should be thought through to the smallest detail.

Suit for the groom

It is necessary to carefully select high-quality fabric for sewing. The material should not shine or look cheap. You need to make sure that the suit fits your figure.

The photo of the groom’s image demonstrates the latest fashion trends that will be adopted by representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

Pastel colors and bright shades successfully compete with the classic palette today. They are chosen by purposeful and strong-willed men.

A suit needs to be purchased or ordered shortly before the wedding ceremony; many people want to get in shape.

Unusual jacket for the groom

The image of the groom in 2017 involves the implementation of bold ideas. Following the classics becomes irrelevant: such an image looks boring and uninteresting.

If the wedding is held outdoors or in another informal place, then the jacket can be combined with shorts and jeans.

You should pay attention to rich colors. Violet and cherry shades are in fashion now. A bright jacket, made from a material with a complex texture and decorated with interesting prints, will become the central topic of discussion among the guests gathered for the celebration.

If the wedding is planned for the cold season, then a suitable option for the groom is an English wool jacket.

The ensemble is complemented with a butterfly; such a detail does not look boring at all. This ensemble also features another stylish trend – checkered fabric.

Wedding vest

To look fashionable, you can create a memorable image of the groom without a jacket. An elegant wedding vest, matching the color scheme of the bride and groom’s outfit, looks incredibly stylish.

It shows off the male figure in a favorable light, hiding extra pounds. Satin vests are gradually being replaced by options made from fabrics without shine.

Wedding shirt

If earlier men chose white shirts, following classical traditions, today this trend is considered outdated.

The leading trends in the fashion world include bright palettes and intricate patterns with prints. The groom can wear a smart shirt to the wedding without a jacket.

However, it is not acceptable for the appearance to be sloppy. Rolling up sleeves or unbuttoning buttons is only allowed if the ceremony is being held on the beach.

Groom's shoes

Shoes made from natural material should be several shades darker than trousers. It is better to give preference to a model with a thin sole.

When the bride is much taller than her chosen one, the groom can wear shoes with low heels. Then the newlyweds will look harmonious in the wedding photo.

For followers of bold trends, bright sneakers can be an excellent choice. But such shoes need to be combined with the style of the newlywed.

Wedding accessories

Various accessories help create a stylish look for the groom in summer. The tie is replaced by a more interesting option - a bow tie. If the groom prefers a tie, then it should not be wide and dull.

It is necessary to choose the right cufflinks so that they are in harmony with the overall style. Suspenders are also a fashion accessory.

The hat is appropriate for a Chicago gangster themed wedding.

In winter, you can add a romantic and stylish accessory - a knitted scarf.

Hairstyle for the groom

At the barbershop the groom can get a neat haircut. Experienced craftsmen will help you add shine to your appearance.

You should not experiment on the eve of the celebration and try haircuts that seem very extravagant.

Overall, a well-thought-out look for a traditional-style wedding means that accessories and shoes will be color coordinated. However, you can deviate from this rule when the celebration is held in an informal setting.

It is not forbidden if a man decides to create his own beach image. It is important that the groom looks well-groomed, no matter what clothes he chooses.

The main decoration of the image is a sincere smile. A man who looks at the lady of his heart with loving eyes makes her happy regardless of the time of year. Even the appearance of tears of happiness is acceptable.